Monday, August 15, 2011

9 Days Left of the "Old Life"

Next week today, a group of 150 bright, ambitious, and daring 1L law students will being their three-year ride through Marquette's Law School. Next Monday, First Year Orientation, although, not technically the "official" start, will occur, prepping the fresh batch of legal "newbies" -- mind, body, and spirit. The orientation will be only two days, typical for most law schools. But these two days will hold many activities for the 1Ls, including classroom etiquette, Socratic Method "practice", group discussions of pre-assigned legal articles and handouts, as well as the (hopefully not too awkward) personal introductions and get-to-know-yous.

I believe this orientation will be an important step in setting the stage for my personal expectations for the law program as well as expectations for myself. Researchers say that our brains contain "place cells" that electrify whenever we are in a new environment, helping us cope with our body's new surroundings. And the more our bodies are used to the new settings, these "place cells" induce mental and physical comfort, instill self-confidence, and critically help us adjust and adapt. Orientation for us 1Ls will crucially aid in sparking our "place cells" and making the beginning of our first semester law school adventure less daunting, less intimidating, and less stressful. I know that I'm not alone in this sentiment. And knowing that already comforts me in understanding that we are all in this together.